Resin Flooring

Resin Flooring

What is Resin Flooring

This type of flooring is perfect for environmenthat undergo heavy use and need a long-lasting solution.

The process of applying resin flooring involves applying a mixture of materials in liquid form onto a prepared floor surface. Once it solidifies, the resulting floor becomes incredibly sturdy and can withstand high volumes of foot traffic and vehicle movement.

Resin flooring is widely chosen for commercial and industrial buildings across various industries. It is commonly found in establishments such as restaurants and industrial kitchens, automotive factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants. Its resilience makes it an excellent choice for these demanding environments.

Three Main Types of Resin Flooring:

The three main types of synthetic resin floors are PMMA, polyurethane and epoxy resin, which we introduce each of them in a little more detail below:

  • Polyurethane (PU)
    The biggest advantage of polyurethane flooring is that it can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for commercial areas where ovens or stoves are used for whatever purpose. Because it's a thermoset resin, polyurethane flooring takes longer to cure than PMMA flooring, resulting in longer downtime during installation and for subsequent repairs.
  • Epoxy Resin
    PMMA is an acronym for polymethyl methacrylate, a type of synthetic resin. It's a highly customizable synthetic resin flooring that can be tailored to the exact needs of the industry and is chemical resistant. PMMA is favoured thanks to its quick installation and curing time, and while it's the most expensive, it's also the most durable type of synthetic resin flooring.
  • Polyurethane (PU)
    The biggest advantage of polyurethane flooring is that it can withstand high temperatures, making it ideal for commercial areas where ovens or stoves are used for whatever purpose. Because it's a thermoset resin, polyurethane flooring takes longer to cure than PMMA flooring, resulting in longer downtime during installation and for subsequent repairs.
  • Epoxy Resin
    Epoxy resin floors are used in factories, commercial kitchens and even some residential buildings. They're cost-effective, easy to maintain, and an excellent choice for commercial and industrial properties that receive heavy foot traffic. Synthetic resin floors are extremely durable and long-lasting. This is because they have a higher compressive strength than concrete, which means they can withstand much more weight and impact damage than tile and vinyl without cracking or moving.

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How Thick is Resin Flooring?

The thickness of resin floors depends largely on their intended use. In some cases, certain resin floors can be as little as 2 mm thick, but they can often be installed up to 5 mm thick or more, depending on the requirements of the commercial or industrial property in which they will be used.

Why should you choose a synthetic resin floor?

  • They protect your floor from permanent damage
  • They offer more hygiene
  • They create a safer working environment
  • They offer flexibility in design
  • They are robust
  • They are chemical resistant

Advantages of Resin Flooring?

Using resin flooring in your business has a number of practical and visual benefits that you will notice in both the short and long term. Here are some of the main advantages of installing synthetic resin floors:

  • Durability
    One of the main advantages of installing a resin flooring system is that they are more durable than many other flooring solutions. The reason for this is that resin floors are not only stronger and better able to withstand force damage that comes in the form of cracks, chips and cuts, but they’re also mixed with a unique sealant component that protects them against water and other types of moisture damage. This means that you can use your floor and spill various substances, all without having any concern for whether the floor will show signs of damage.
  • Appearance and Safety
    A wide range of finishes is possible with resin-based systems, from colour selection to the addition of coloured quartz and decorative flake systems, including natural and coloured aggregates.

    A slip-resistant surface can be achieved by adding graded aggregates to the base coat. Different properties can be achieved by size and/or coverage, allowing the best choice for wet or greasy floors. In addition, colours can be added to the resin to provide a flooring that matches your colour scheme.
  • Low Maintenance
    For sterile purposes, pitch floors can be cleaned, sanitized, or even steam-cleaned without losing their solid characteristics. Furthermore impervious to hurt, these ground surface can endure acids, antacids, solvents, and gas.

Choose the Right Type of Resin Flooring

You should think about something other than cost while concluding which sort of pitch deck to lay at your business or modern property. For example, epoxy and polyurethane flooring fix in five and seven days, separately, though PMMA flooring does as such in only 60 minutes. What's more, PMMA can be effectively fixed and redesigned, while polyurethane and epoxy ground surface would should be eliminated and supplanted on the off chance that a little part of the floor is harmed.

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